Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Why it pays to stay home sick...

The other day I was sick so I stayed home from the day job. Little did I know the action and entertainment that awaited me at home! I went outside mid-morning (no indoor plumbing...) to find Diesel (our dog) heading across the road to join a bunch of high school kids in the field across the street. I brought him back home and headed back inside. I went outside a little later because I heard quite a bit of yelling and commotion. To my suprise, this is what I saw:

With help from our contractor who had been working on our house, some jerk straps and a bigger truck the students finally freed the truck from the field.

I believe a lesson was learned--while releasing baby salmon for a school project it is best to leave two wheel drive trucks out of the soaking wet, recently rained on field.

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