Monday, January 21, 2008

They are back!

Look what I found peaking up in the flowerbeds!! My spring bulbs! I'm so excited that spring is just around the corner! Every year when I think it can't possibily get any colder or darker, these precious little jewels show up to keep me on track until spring! I can't wait until they bloom! I also found some new little leaf buds on my barberries and my roses!

Happy almost Spring!

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Daffodils of plenty...I probably have close to 500 of these cheerful, first-to-bloom yellow beauties!
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My little barberry--this a small variety with lime green leaves (despite the red leaf buds).
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Roses! I love my grandfather's roses...I have nine of his prized plants and I can't wait to smell their wonderful fragrance.
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More daffodils...and a weed.
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Tulips!! A little later to bloom than my daffodils--but I love their swirly starts.
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  1. There's none of that green excitement here, but we did see robins the other day. I think they were a bit confused with the 18+" of snow on the ground still.

  2. Hey Steph - great pictures - I am homesick- we have 3' of snow on the ground and the highs are in the teens. No new plants here until May at least! keep sending those inspiring pictures!

  3. You have a fantastic blog, I love all your pictures! Spring is on it's way. I am also looking forward to what pops up in our yard. Especially since I have no clue where or what has been planted by the previous owner :)

  4. Great job making spring seem just around the corner. Love all that you have posted here, anyway. The kitchens (maybe someday, sigh), Diesel's birthday pics, all of it. Very good work. Are you feeling any better?

  5. Looks like we're all longing for spring! Melissa--that will be so much fun to see what pops where! I was looking forwards to that when we bought our house but the flowerbeds held nothing but field grass!

    Kendal--I'm jealous of the snow...can you please send some our way and then warm it up to spring?

    AT--I'm jealous of your snow too! Wow--that is fantastic! Too bad that you still have to function around there with all of...if we had that much snow, everyting would close!

    Mom--thanks!! I am jealous of the kitchens too! I'm mstill week it is to the doctor for me!
