Friday, January 25, 2008

Sanding Solo

Here is a little peak at our remodel project! This week I had worked on sanding our pine tongue and groove wood for our living room walls. Brandon was out with friends one night, so I went sanding solo. The good thing about working by myself is that I could take a photography break and do a little documenting along the way! It was 30 degrees the night I was working on this--so I also took some puppy-playing breaks to defrost my fingers!

Caution: dramatic lighting ahead--may make sanding look more fun than it actually is!!

Here is the view from outside the shop--those giant puddles in the driveway are actually mini skating rinks!


Here are some images of the wood set-up--piles and piles of boards...almost 200 to sand and stain.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Here are some detail shots of the mess I made (ok, Brandon actually made that mess when we were cutting the boards!). Can you guess who was helping me sand?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

You guessed it!


And here are my weapons of choice--a tribute to the sander and dust mask!




  1. What great documenting and the lighting is great. Still doesn't make it look that much fun though :0)

  2. Haha...OMG...I think you totally make the sanding look fun!!! Great use of light :)

  3. I love the lighting! And Diesel looks totally happy helping 8-)

  4. Leave it to you to make a picture of a dust mask look good. Sometimes you are a little weird!
    -Your loving sister :)

  5. Thanks everyone! Jenn--everything deserves a chance to be in the spotlight! :) Even a dust mask.

    Diesel has enjoyed hanging out with us in the shop under the propane heater on a big fluffy dog bed.

    We'll see if I can make staining look interesting...
