Friday, December 11, 2009

Northwest Washington Fair

So—it isn’t August anymore.  I’m not quite sure what happened but some how time disappeared!  This summer I had a chance to head around the Northwest Washington Fair with my nieces and help my sister show T all of the animals the Fair had to offer.  It was the first year she could really appreciate all of the animals and my sister had her hands full with her new little one so I got to run around with my camera and T to catch some of the sights we saw.

It was a blistering hot day but walked until our feet ached, ate until our bellies were stuffed and enjoyed the Fair until we could enjoy it no longer! 

My sister and I practically grew up at the Fair, camping on the grounds and showing our horses there every summer.  We have such great memories of that one special week in August that it was almost magical to share the same experiences with my little nieces.  We didn’t tour the horse barn since T had been hanging out there all week and when you have pretty ponies at home and you are two years old you want to see the exotic animals like chickens, goats and sheep.  But maybe next year we will be skipping the chicken barn as T has requested a chicken for Christmas for herself and her sister from Auntie Steph and Uncle Brandon and we have every intention of fulfilling those dreams. 

Please note all of the love the animals have—they sure were cuddly!

Northwest-Washington-Fair-100 Northwest-Washington-Fair-101 Northwest-Washington-Fair-102 Chipmunk cheeks!  This little pygmy’s cheeks looked just as round as her belly!

Northwest-Washington-Fair-103 Northwest-Washington-Fair-104 Northwest-Washington-Fair-105 Mesmerized and exhausted by all the chickens.

Northwest-Washington-Fair-106 Perfect fake smile.

Northwest-Washington-Fair-107 Northwest-Washington-Fair-108 Northwest-Washington-Fair-109 I told you they were cuddly!

Northwest-Washington-Fair-110 Northwest-Washington-Fair-111 Northwest-Washington-Fair-112

1 comment:

  1. Did she get to see a llama... those are the best, no matter what Jennifer says :)
