When my sister and I were very small our Dad asked us what our Mom would like for her birthday. We answered "A guinea pig!" While our mother hadn't asked for a guinea pig,
we sure wanted one so that was our response. To this day I can't figure out why our Dad believed us, but sure enough, after our soccer games we trucked into into the local pet store and purchased a lovely red and black guinea pig for our Mom's birthday. I'm sure she was just thrilled to receive it!
However, this Saturday I do really need a guinea pig or two! I'm getting my new camera tomorrow (a Canon 5D) and I just received a new AWESOME portrait lens (Canon 50mm 1.4). I'm eager to try this combination out, so I'm offering a free portrait session to the first person who emails me. The only requirements are that the session is for 1-4 people and must be this coming Saturday, at 10am, in Lynden, WA. The location is up to you as long as it is in Lynden (the City Park, downtown, Berthusen Park etc). The session will include an hour of photographic coverage and a $25 print credit, online hosting of images for proofing/ordering and of course all of my appreciation for letting me play with my new equipment.
Let me know if you are interested by emailing me at