Friday, October 19, 2007

Leaves and Leaps!

Oh the joys of a puppy enjoying his first fall! I just had to catch some pictures of Diesel playing in the fall leaves. You might be wondering what that fancy dog toy is an electric fence handle of course! Thank goodness it wasn't attached to the electric fence when he decided to play with it! According to my husband, Diesel snatched it out of the barn from our bucket of extras. Don't worry, the dog isn't toy deprived--he would just rather find things around the house play with instead of his $10 toys. I guess it is like the toddler who would rather play with the box their present came in than the actual toy itself. Simple pleasures!

I couldn't leave out Daisy, Diesel's best friend! She was made for fall! I love her coat colors against the fall leaves!


  1. You make my wait to get a dog even harder. Such fun pictures.

  2. Thanks! He is so cute--we love him to pieces! I hope you can get a dog soon!!
